Author Archives: Barbara

About Barbara

Barbara Payne is a published author and freelance copywriter and editor who writes corporate blogs, researches and writes articles and other rich web content, does business writing and editing in legal, technology and bioscience / healthcare areas. She's an executive speech writer,a blog writer, and a presentation writer.

How to attract loyal, profitable customers

icon_voice_smbug You write to express your ideas…

To write well is a challenge. To write powerfully is an art. Your True Voice has great power – it attracts loyal, profitable customers to your business. Not always easy to find it, though. So here are a few ideas for finding that True Voice.

  • Your marketing materials must express the passion you feel for serving your customers. They must urge/ invite/ persuade your readers to take action – to call, email, ask for more information.
  • Your corporate blog must be authentic. Use it to express your personal investment in your customers’ success. To build solid, long-term relationships with them.
  • Your executive speeches must make your points succinctly and connect with your audience at the emotional level – where your message really takes root.

Chicago freelance writer knows how to attract customers

When you need marketing materials, including blog posts, articles and web content, you need a copywriter who listens to you. Who helps you find the best ways to promote your idea, your product, your service. You need a writer who helps you identify the real concerns of your target audience and reach them with information and solutions they can use.

When you must prepare a speech, you want an executive speechwriter who knows how to help you find your deepest meanings, convey your messages clearly – and touch hearts. A writer who hears you. A copywriter who knows how to help you express your best self and so grow your business…and maybe even change the world.

Consider a company blog. It’s a perfect vehicle for using your True Voice to attract and keep loyal, profitable customers. FREE tips on writing your corporate blog – the advice there still applies.

 Chicago –

501 W. Surf St., 810, Chicago, IL 60657 773.857.7118

Did you know that authentic communication – writing in your True Voice – is one of the top secrets of sustainable success in business?


“Find your True Voice…and grow your business”®

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Barbara Payne is a published author and freelance copywriter headquartered in Chicago, IL. She does business writing and editing in legal, technology and bioscience / healthcare areas. She specializes as a web content writer, speech writer, blog writer, and presentation writer.

With Barbara Payne you’ll get a writer who helps you find your True Voice. A writer with a strong sales and marketing background who knows how to deliver for you. Barbara Payne is a professional business writer and top-notch editor dedicated to helping you create the most effective websites, blogs, articles, brochures, newsletters, and more.

And for fun she writes about restaurants in Chicago, bioscience news, and more. See “Writing Samples” page.